
Koalaty Kid

Celebrating Success — the Koalaty Kid Way!
From its inception, Koalaty kid has focused on improvement. Koalaty Kid uses quality improvement principles by establishing clear expectations, making a plan for improvement, measuring and recording progress and recognizing and celebrating success. Koalaty Kid has always focused on a set of broad objectives for students.
Achieve a healthy sense of self-esteem and pride.
Develop a sense of responsibility toward themselves, their work and their school.
Develop a habit of excellence.

Participate in a team of school administrators, teachers, sponsors, parents and others who influence and contribute to the school.

Become self-motivated in learning.
These objectives remain at the heart of Koalaty Kid today. Koalaty Kid represents the spirit and substance of quality in education. Classrooms, schools and districts on their journey of continuous improvement know the importance of engaging students. Whether you went through ASQ’s ImpaQT Training are a member of ASQ’s K-12 Membership or regularly attend the National Quality Education Conference, you know how important it is for students to take control of their own learning through the use of quality tools and processes. You also understand the critical role of intrinsic motivation and celebrating successes in learning and character development.
Koalaty Kid is dedicated to K-6 classrooms and students around the world. You can get involved today!
Send your stories of kids using quality tools and processes and celebrating successes.
Share how quality helped build student character in your classroom
Share “career day” information that focuses on the use of quality.
Submit worksheets or templates used with students for award ceremony certificates, worksheets teaching them the tools, data folder templates, etc.
Send pictures of your Koalaty Kids.
Submit your information to koalatykid@asq.org.
